
1975 vintage eventide h910 harmonizer
1975 vintage eventide h910 harmonizer

1975 vintage eventide h910 harmonizer

Jimmy Page is best known for playing Gibson Les Paul Standard guitars throughout most of his legendary career with Led Zeppelin. But aside from heavy riffs, Page really knew how to compile and arrange a song, bringing in new innovative practices that were also explored by musicians of other genres. Along with bands like Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, and Judas Priest, Led Zeppelin shaped this new genre by pushing the boundaries and going into territories many were afraid to explore.

1975 vintage eventide h910 harmonizer

Jimmy Page gained the reputation of being one of the pioneers of heavy metal music during the late 1960s and the early 1970s. Even the youngest music enthusiasts these days are familiar with some of his work, particularly with Led Zeppelin. It has not been confirmed whether Jimmy Page has had these supernatural influences, but he sure changed modern music as we know it today. In fact, when we look back and see how it all evolved, we begin to wonder whether there was some other-worldly force that suddenly inspired the creation of new movements in rock music. Over the past seven decades or so, we’ve seen it evolve and go into some new and unexpected directions. Rock and roll has come a long way since its inception back in the 1950s.

1975 vintage eventide h910 harmonizer